Picasso, Karaoke, Architecture & work
Yesterday saw the Fearless the Jet Li movie which was ok. To sum it up it in a few words lotsa fighting, blind girl, dead family, poison, nice jap (in all respects).
Saw the Picasso exhibition & scoffed burgers with my good friend Jase (the only one I know who likes art too). It was a fun because we didn't try to find meaning in each of the paintings as one is meant to at these things, instead Jase did his art curator voice over attempt & we laughed & made mean jokes at every photo of Dora (his wife) & painting of her. But yes there were some fantastic paintings he did, too many photographs in my opinion & too many of Dora's photo's, they should have could it Dora Love & War.
But see it if you like abstracts & art in general because it's worth seeing a Picasso work up close (not too close as I found out tripping on the barrier).
Karaoke! lalala... Sang K with Julie, Dana, Julies Friend, Lawson & Meg (Lawz friend). Yeah was pretty good except that I had a migrane & by the end of the night it was just massive. It was so foggy when we left around 3:30am but I had a good time even if I seemed moody (due to headache & my bad singing) but Laws & meg sing very well. We had fun...
Architecture killing me now lol. I'm designing a Levee house block. Basically it's a new housing typology that relates to a floodplain in Renmark S.A. (where I did the road trip to). I'm thinking I'll do a underwater housing type haha. When I get more into it I'll pop some pictures of my proposal.
Work at Officeworks... those bastards I wont dwell but yeah I'm looking for a more flexible job, it's difficult doing Archi, working & going out. Archi drains ya...
Thats it. I said I was going to give up clubbing but I may goto Barcode with Mon this Sat & it's free entry if you signup at asiantemptation.com (or .au) All welcome!