The Bottom Line on CJ's Arsehole

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

The Thing about holidays...

They put you in this happy go lucky mood. The year 2006 has ended and it was I think the worst year ever, so much damn drama. I'm hoping 2007 will bring some good changes for my family and myself. So far it has kicked off with a blast.
Christmas Eve I spent losing $8 in Poker and having a great night with good friends & also managed to endure Jason & Duong's cooking which wasn't half bad hehe!
Christmas was spent with the folks and my sisters boyfriend & was pretty good.
I was really excited about New Year, not sure why I just wanted the year to be over and hopefully the bad luck too! It started off at my friends apartment then my other friends hotel in Crown Towers for fireworks. Then to Seven club and back to the apartment. I had a blast. The night involved much drinking, some angry friends, losing a lot of people, things getting a little wierd, losing all my phone data but ending on a HIGH!
I had a really cool night New Year's Day, one to remember! I saw The Holiday which I really liked (sucker for romance), was a little slow but sweet. Also saw night of the museum (ok). Happy Feet is trippy.
New Year's Resolutions... ha I broke all of my last so won't attempt new ones. But 2006, I did learn A LOT I think the most I ever had and it wasn't easy! I'm looking forward to:
-Turning 21 & partying
-Road Trip soon to the coast
-Ski trip & Ball's (the dancing sort)
-Going Overseas
-Not partying too much haha
Goodbye 2006. 2007 is looking better than ever (even won $10 in Poker). Happy New Year!