The Bottom Line on CJ's Arsehole

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Happy Birthday & you gotta respect Vet's

Hey all. Happy Birthday to Mandy aka Mango who had her 21st last week at her restaurant. Nice decorations. Happy 21st. Jingru's birthday is soon & Jacks, Julie, why are all your birthdays now. Thanks Jax & Roo for pics.
Oh my poor dog has so many issues, he's old & smelly but just had a bath & clip (yet still stinky lol). I gotta hand it to the Vet. She sticks her fingers in places, touches smelly goop, squishes lumps & blood without cringing (I swear Snoopy was enjoying it, ewww). For that, I'll gladly hand over my dough (a lot too) because I wouldn't want to be a Vet.
Should I post pics of my squished mini? Does anyone want to see $3000 damages? lol. (Nah it's not that funny & I swear Checkers could have won the mini show on Sunday, yeah right).
Moving on the 15th next Tuesday!

Mango in Orange seaweed (just stepped off Chelsea beach). Posted by Picasa

Happy Birthday! Posted by Picasa

Mango's massive cake, (yes there was Mango pudding too)! Posted by Picasa

Good buddies (sisters lol) of Mango lol, Steve is officially a sister. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Is Death Justice? Van Nguyen

I was reading a post about this on a blog (the drug smuggler in Singapore who will likely be hanged) & also received an email from Allan about a supporting petition to get Johnny Howard to do something.
Anyway for some reason reading that post made me a bit mad. Van Nguyen attempted to smuggle drugs from Singapore apparantly to pay off debts his twin brother had. He had no prior convictions and felt remorse afterward.
He might be hanged soon for this & I dont think that killing someone is justice. Yes he made a mistake & should pay for it, but the thought of murdering this young man seems so crimminal. There are crimminals everywhere who commit atrocities beyond smuggling drugs that are not killed. Compassion is what is needed not the death penalty, it's barbaric and inhumane.
Why is it that Schapelle Corby got so much support from Australians when Van does not? One answer: she's white & relativly good looking. I'm gonna get bulldozed for that comment, but if you will think hard right into the depth of your skull, you know it's true.