Is Death Justice? Van Nguyen
I was reading a post about this on a blog (the drug smuggler in Singapore who will likely be hanged) & also received an email from Allan about a supporting petition to get Johnny Howard to do something.
Anyway for some reason reading that post made me a bit mad. Van Nguyen attempted to smuggle drugs from Singapore apparantly to pay off debts his twin brother had. He had no prior convictions and felt remorse afterward.
He might be hanged soon for this & I dont think that killing someone is justice. Yes he made a mistake & should pay for it, but the thought of murdering this young man seems so crimminal. There are crimminals everywhere who commit atrocities beyond smuggling drugs that are not killed. Compassion is what is needed not the death penalty, it's barbaric and inhumane.
Why is it that Schapelle Corby got so much support from Australians when Van does not? One answer: she's white & relativly good looking. I'm gonna get bulldozed for that comment, but if you will think hard right into the depth of your skull, you know it's true.
Anyway for some reason reading that post made me a bit mad. Van Nguyen attempted to smuggle drugs from Singapore apparantly to pay off debts his twin brother had. He had no prior convictions and felt remorse afterward.
He might be hanged soon for this & I dont think that killing someone is justice. Yes he made a mistake & should pay for it, but the thought of murdering this young man seems so crimminal. There are crimminals everywhere who commit atrocities beyond smuggling drugs that are not killed. Compassion is what is needed not the death penalty, it's barbaric and inhumane.
Why is it that Schapelle Corby got so much support from Australians when Van does not? One answer: she's white & relativly good looking. I'm gonna get bulldozed for that comment, but if you will think hard right into the depth of your skull, you know it's true.
oops sorry pressed it twice hahahaha
my bad!!!
by the way if you dont want those crumming spam msgs....
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its on the main blog site :) just enable it and u wont get any of those annoying spam bullshit (well not as many)
Anonymous, at 8:49 PM
Well I do believe he needs to be punished, but not sentenced to death. As of Corby well I dunno, she had a shit load more exposure and what about the bali bombers are "ALL" of them going to be sentenced to death too? That is all.
Anonymous, at 11:02 PM
shuddup chow shuddup!
hmm by the way damn ive got quite a few hits from people who accessed my site via cats site :)
seems cats got heaps of friends heheh and or visitors LOL
HEY CAT!!!!!
ur never on msn are u?
Sorry bout da other time on da fone... but yeh it wasnt a bad thing it was just different cuz i didnt or couldnt recognise ur voice over the fone cuz u sounded different !!! and let me emphasize it wasn't a bad thing!!! just different prob cuz we've never talked on the fone before HAH
shuddup chow
Unknown, at 2:29 AM
I presume you were referring to my article?
"no one deserves to die for drug smuggling" makes it sound like the morale decay of humanity a walk in the park.
Drugs are known to be linked to the murderers, violence, robberies. Just because they didn't actually commit the offence but started it doesn't make it right.
His sentences was passed in accordance with other people who died (google search: Singpore executions) and you will find that the people executed are similar to Van's case. It's just that Singapore took a really extreme stance on the issue, all you have to do is not violate it's laws.
Singapore is clean and reports low levels of crime.
Hundreds and thousands of tourists flock to that city a year, it's policies are intended to protect it's integrity and its people. Why can't people understand that?
Is ir right? No. But what do you suggest we do?
Generally speaking most offenders re-offend. I think the money spent to rehabilitate people can be better spent on more essential services that benefit everyone.
Back to Van, and i won't talk about this anymore because people don't seem to really get what i'm saying...
If there was ample warning like that electricity ad telling me if i stick a knife into a toaster and i go out and jam a knife in the toaster what can i really expect to happen?
Do i deserve to die?
ToFu, at 3:20 AM
Ah Shappelle,
I don't particularly think Shappelle's skin colour or gender has won her the support she has.
While no one can really say she's guilty or innocent, she did however raise the example of bringing drugs overseas and that's the point that matters don't you think?
The issue being fresh on many would-be drug dealers trying to sell their stuff in the asian markets would definately make any offender think twice.
ToFu, at 3:26 AM
The government cannot just grant clemency because we think it's wrong. It is unfair for us to force our views and opinions onto their government like this but it isn't only the view of Australia that the death penalty is too harsh a punishment but it is also a view held by many Singaporeans with one blogger describing their country as the following: "We may appear beautiful and spotless to the rest of the world. It’s the filth underneath the façade that needs cleaning up." ( It's so sad the Van Nguyen case but there are so many more in Singapore which are similar to his. Desperation seems to be the key factor in most of these cases. This is why I think execution isn't the answer. What's the point in executing these delivery people who do it in desperation without thinking when it's the manufacturers and suppliers who should be targeted because they are truly the immoral ones. It doesn't seem like he has much hope though when the Singaporean government doesn't listen to even it's own people. In the past they've granted clemency to 6 deathrow inmates but have executed many many more. They could grant clemency to Van Nguyen. I mean, if they've only granted clemency to 6 people in the past and executed the rest, then sparing Van Nguyen doesn't mean that Singapore will be expected to spare every other deathrow inmate in the future.
Anonymous, at 6:00 AM
you can eat my ass allan you richard wannabe
Anonymous, at 4:20 AM
schapelle corby's getting support because she denied smuggling and there's a 50/50 chance she's innocent. van nguyen on the other hand is 100% guilty because he admitted smuggling and clearly had the intention to sell. i mean, paying off debts? no offence, but he dug his own grave there.
so does that mean he should be hanged? probably. the tofu blog has a point, but so does this a-hole blog; the death penalty is still kinda harsh. but i don't think it's enough for him to serve a lengthy prison term either.
seeing as he broke international law, a simple sorry isn't going to change his sentence. i also think this peer pressure tactic is a bad move. asking the queen and the pm for help is only embarrassing our country.
what this guy really needs now is some damn good marketing skills. if he really wants to live, he should try bargaining for his life by offering hard labour and community services on top of the prison term alternative.
besides, the whole pleading thing is only putting singapore in an awkward position. bargaining has a different effect altogether. this way, singapore can show compassion without making themselves look kinda weak.
ducky, at 4:56 AM
I agree with Ducky completely. Hit the nail on the head i think.
You covered some post-sentencing alternatives that definately would him his cause.
Nguyen: Aside from a surname bias, what arugments and constructive comments do you really have to offer aside from childish name calling?
ToFu, at 8:33 PM
the farni thing is the kant doesnt even spell it right
Anonymous, at 5:06 AM
Ducky, he has been cooperating with the authorities to save his life, he has been leading the Australian police to the big guys in the drug ring, which is really who needs to be caught. The Aust police have caught some of the people who organised it based on his information. He is after all the little guy in the drug ring.
CJ, at 2:42 PM
I am so sad about my Mini, it's squisharded... Why...... F*&% AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
CJ, at 2:52 PM
yeah i heard about that rat stuff too but it doesn't seem to be enough for the sg at the moment because in the end he was still involved in the drug ring. maybe they'll change their mind in the 11th hour or something.
oh yeah, wat the hell r u gonna do about your mini now? i guess u cud get it fixed eventually, but what about the mini show!! dammit >_<;
ducky, at 6:17 AM
Why didn't he do it earlier???
SU posted in my blog what if he DID get them through, what then?
Would he have done the right thing and told the cops about it? Doubtful.
I don't really care what people are trying to say about him.
He's a criminal. Simple as black and white.
ToFu, at 2:26 AM
Dont tell me you've never done a crime before haha. Stealing those lolies from Target.... I know you did. lol.
CJ, at 3:52 PM
Stretch his neack
Anonymous, at 11:40 PM
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