SKI TRIP & Holidays Yay!
Anyway been going out quite late lately which has caused my old man to be a little more than usual crazy parnoid freak.
On Saturday the chicks (Julie, Jingru, Mango, Jen, Jacks) Steve & Linh (Steve's bud) went to Publicity on Bourke St & clubbed till 4ish. It was pretty fun, the music was good, stinky smoke & friendly group was cool. Everyone (inc. Steve & Linh) did a jig mid circle lol.
I also finally (i know) took a driving lesson & it was pretty fun, I'm going to switch over to manual though because I've decided to buy a Morris MINI COOPER classic which only comes in manual. Finally poor Stephen & Mango wont have to drive me so much.
Speaking of cars, my brother bought a ugly Toyota SPRINTER. It's hideous, but then suits him. Cruel...
Oh yeah I also saw BATMAN BEGINS last week with Mon, Chris & Steve. It's a reallly cool movie. Batman is the coolest superhero & not a pansy. Very dark... Next Tuesday I wanna see War of The Worlds.
Ok time to goto the city & spend more cash, then get some home cooking lol.