
Placebo effing rock. Isn't it always the feeling that there is not enough. You always want more, even if you have it all. I can't say I have everything far from it, but there is always more I want & seemingly can't have. Have been very busy, but want to make it busier sometimes, being always on the move stops thoughts that drag you down. And time it's your frienemy (friend/enemy), there are some things you wish never happened, never felt, never knew because then you'd never know & you'd be fine but at the same time there are pros, I'll shutup because I can't explain and the rest is for my written journal lol.
Ok here's what I been up to:
Lately I have been very busy with Mid-semester design, preparing for my presentation yesterday which was ok, hopefully I wont get pounded by the crit's. Here are my weeks.
Went to see THE VINES at Cnr Hotel, totally effing AWESOME, went with Kenneth, Connie & Jazzo. At first we were right in front, little did I know there would be a INSANE MOSH PITT & I got stepped on & bruised but it didn't stop us from going nuts & having an awesome time.
What else... hanging out with a few people here and there, managed to quit clubbing for 2 weeks but at it again and rather sick of it, wouldn't have gone shoulda studied but still I make the bad choices. as going to Beach Club but were full so went Lavish & was awesome, Dana, me, Alex, Justin, Jay and all em were just all there too by coincidence. Was fun & met some new people rather randomly again lol, might re-consider next week. Also owe Jase a breaky for losing at squash badly lol... But yeah might take on the whole sport thing, have been doing a bit of it lately... fun stuff.
What else yes, yesterday went to dinner at Carnegie for Jen's 21st but her actual party is not till the end of the month. Happy Birthday Jen! On the way home 2 cats ran in front of our car & poor Wen the driver RAN THEM DOWN... was awful. Poor kitty's, killing my own kind...
Nothing else much... feeling rather restless & not feeling the best... dunno if it's the food poisoning I had recently or something else... Oh yeah I'm Pat's best friend now lol but I think I have maybe another best friend... think we know it.
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