Goodbye Mobile Phone Again!
Yes, what a perfect day to get started than have your new phone lost/stolen. :( I am 3G phoneless at the moment after losing it, then being stolen on the train this morning. Saw Wen on the train & that was the last time I saw my chunky red phone. Goodbye... You will be sorely missed! Yes, I know I lose a lot of phones! :(
Luckily the rest of my day was fun, well sorry to Steve whom I took out my 'pissed off' state on him by being completely mean & ultimate Biach (but most know I always am). We played LOTR ROTK on xbox & have almost clocked the kings path in co-op mode, it was fun & I'm determined to get Gimli's short legs to kick Aragorn's butt!
Also saw Dara on the train, so whose up for paintball? The Gang, common you guys? $50 includes ride, balls (not those kinds, ones with paint Julie) ahha & all you can eat.
Also just got something special for someone special haha (SUPRISE).
Luckily the rest of my day was fun, well sorry to Steve whom I took out my 'pissed off' state on him by being completely mean & ultimate Biach (but most know I always am). We played LOTR ROTK on xbox & have almost clocked the kings path in co-op mode, it was fun & I'm determined to get Gimli's short legs to kick Aragorn's butt!
Also saw Dara on the train, so whose up for paintball? The Gang, common you guys? $50 includes ride, balls (not those kinds, ones with paint Julie) ahha & all you can eat.
Also just got something special for someone special haha (SUPRISE).
Hey cat, man I'd destroy the guy who took your phone! Ugh! Made me pissed off too! I'll try finding you a new three phone, but I don't know if it will be as good as your sony one :(
Anyways I can't wait to get back in ROTK, I mean seriously what the hell do you have to do to save Awyren?!!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Hehe, so annoying... Stupid giant elephants or whatever they're called.
I'll try finding you a new three phone aswell.
Paintball is always fun if you don't get shot in the face or groin or in the butt. Dem nice purple, red, yellow bruises lol. Damn point blank shots...
Well better get back to work and I'll see you later.
chowzilla, at 7:52 PM
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